A BnB Retreat For Your Pets Where They Are Treated As Individuals
A BnB Retreat For Your Pets Where They Are Treated As Individuals
Medium and large breed dogs are
"not one size fits all"
-Some dogs like it quiet and some love to "talk"
-Some dogs are to big for a standard kennel
-Some dogs need to spend hours outside
while some just need a quick break
-Some dogs like it cold and some need warm
-Some dogs need solid dividers and some have to have open a
A newbie's first stay.
Our oldest senior lady staying in the office so we can monitor her.
Boz sleeping in her favorite suite where she can watch everything.
Enjoying an open window in one of the auxiliary 4' x 14' kennels.
Chilling on his bed on the Kuranda bed in a double kennel with the guillotine door open.
Enjoying a nice day with guillotine door open.
Don't I look handsome?
What's happening out there?
A rescue girl scared of people that we spent hours sitting with.
4' x 14' indoor chain link run - some dogs need the open space.
Sawyer happy in his kennel.
Bella & Sully enjoying being together.
Main kennel with first 4' of sides solid for privacy. Guillotine doors to outside 4' X 14' runs.
Seven casually enjoying herself.
Double kennel (4' x 8) for more than 1 dog or a larger dog.
Standard 4' x 4' with guillotine door.
BnB Pet Retreat
210211 E SR 397, Kennewick, WA 99337, US
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